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Head of House Greyjoy. Father of Theon.


Balon is seen in the second season of Game of Thrones. He is the Lord Reaper of Pyke, the seat of the Iron Islands. The Iron Islands are a series of rocky islands off of the west coast of the Westeros mainland. Iron Islanders are considered to be tough and uncompromising. Balon takes part in the War of Five Kings. He has no desire for the Iron Throne, but instead wants the Iron Islands to be its own separate realm. Balon's strategy is to target the North, along the western coast. Balon has four children: Rodrik, Maron, Yara, and Theon. Rodrik and Maron were both killed during Robert's Rebellion, when Balon started a war to have the Iron Islands and western coast in his sovereign control. Theon was taken as a ward by Ned Stark in Winterfell as a preventative measure. Balon resents his son for this and remains untrusting of him.

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